A number of Common Crossbills (Loxia curvirostra) have been spotted in the village of Djupivogur over the last days.  Common Crossbills live in woodlands in N-America, Europe and Asia.    
22 long-tailed skuas (Stercorarius longicaudus) were spotted in Djupivogur last weekend.    
Earlier this month, a lot of red knots appeared in Alftajordur, south of Djupivogur.  As you can see on these photos they looked like a cloud when they took off.        
A lot of red knots have been flowing in recently.  There were small groups of them by the airstirp in Djupivogur but in Alftafjordur there was an estimate of 2000 red knots stopping by on their way to Greenland...
Three common wood pigeon were spotted in Alftafjordur near Djupivogur yesterday.  Although they are called common wood pigeons they are not were common in this area.  The rock pigeon is a common pigeon around here and they look similar...
A white fronted goose was spotted in Djupivogur this week as it was among a group of greylag geese.  In Europe it is usually called "White-fronted Goose";  but in North America it is known as the Greater White-fronted Goose (or "Greater Whitefront")...
05.05.2009 - Arctic tern
05.05.2009 - Arctic skua
28.04.2009 - Puffins
25.04.2009 - Little gull
19.04.2009 - Great skua